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                 Last Update:  Friday, May 18, 2001

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             Hello and welcome! This page is an interactive one. I welcome everyone's opinions, comments and suggestions. I have included a wallpaper page as a repository of nice "nature" and candid pictures you can use as wallpaper. The jokes pages are full of contributions from friends who somehow, have made my day.  The family gallery is, as you might have known, personal with shots only the owners would die to see. As time progresses, I hope to improve the contents of each page and come up with some interesting things.

          I have lost a brother recently and the pain was so deep I wake up some nights with a heavy heart. But I guess we have to be philosophical sometimes. At least he will not have to grow old and feel pain again. The saddest part is that we had plans and lots of things to do as new-found bonding set in. I miss you dear brother.




          Summer is bearing down on us mercilessly this part of the year in this part of the world. It is the time when the temperature soars up to intolerable heights and the well- off opt for the well planned holidays to the less hostile climes of their own countries. I still chuckle at the news items that in other parts of the world, a 30 degree C day is touted as heat wave and people fall like flies. I wonder what subzero area people feel when they hear of 50 degree above zero temperature. All I can tell you is sitting in a parked car can be very dangerous to your lower anatomy.

      I was in Toronto for a couple of days recently and it was supposed to be summer and we were shivering to -10 degrees. Well, I don't know but people adopt to where they are and what really is important is for them to live as they wish and as the Americans put it, for them to     "get a life" hot, cold or whatever.